Wednesday, March 20, 2013

seduction of media

He finished watching TV downstairs. It was a documentary series about animals and its attitude and habitat. The reason is valid. He will report on Science next week for the completion of clearance. He is a normal student, aiming to get the job done; of course, in return for some incentive. The day is ripe but he has some time to spare. The boy quickened for a rest only to find out that the 2 minute  break showing a liquor is in mind. Bodies flashed all around. Bikini babes are dancing on a pole while drinking the product, and a tag line called it off. There his wild enthusiasm starts to accumulate. He got up, turned the PC on, and started clicking its default browser. He goes to Youtube and searches the liquor brand. During its loading ques, a thumbnail caught his attention; "Naughty Nights".

Drowning in curiosity, he opened it and a prompt warning appeared; "Containing adult material... click yes if you are 18 and above". The 12 year old set his registered age to 22 because of social media pretension. Then a click happened. It is the click that consumed his 45 minutes and stole his innocence. Youtube contains pornography. The impression of informative and fruitful video sharing has been broken. Now, adult materials couldn't be blocked by anti-porn programs because even respected site contains one. What happened to men's wholesome purpose to provide update around the world? Does this purpose conceal evil behind? Worse yet, does it tolerate such prostitution once it is passed through?

Mental sex is still sex. And a heart that pursues sex will have sex anytime sooner. It will demand sex in any way and to any one. And sex beyond matrimonial boundaries is sin. Sin will wage death. If we keep bowing down to wrong things, nothing will happen. So let us be aware of the world and its wickedness. But being aware isn't the real thing. It is measured on how we respond to what we now. A kid won't hesitate drinking hot water unless he once burned. It is the realization of being hurt that taught him to be caution while drinking. And so it is with real life. Sin, unless it is realized to be harmful, will be ignored until nothing is left but a shattered resentful life.

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