Sunday, May 5, 2013

Yes to God

when somebody is preaching at the pulpit, maybe a brother or a sister or Pastors or Prophets, they are engaging us in a transaction in heaven. when the word of God suddenly spoke to your heart and you say Amen, it is as if receiving a blank check. The promise you hold is the amount so you have to withdraw till the appointed time. That is the representation of God's fullfilment by Jesus Christ.

An example about receiving and reaping the word is the life of Mary. When Angel Gabriel sent the word, she received it, and the Savior is born. Imagine what a willing heart and the word of God can produce? A simple Amen 2000 years ago changed the world. It set a time on history from BC to AD, Jesus saves. But one fact about saying and reaping the Amen is it always points toward God. MARY'S AMEN ISN'T ABOUT MARY ANYWAY. IT'S ABOUT GOD GIVING HIS SON AS A RANSOM FOR MANY. So the fullfilment of your personal word isn't about you, it's about God being glorified through your life. In fact, your situation is necessary so God can be God in your life, So He can prove that there's no other God like him. And today you'll have more reason to thank him because God won't let his name be trampled down. He will fullfil his promiise for the sake of his name. This is not selfishness, it just happen that you're one of the lives God chose to prove himself. Hallelujah!

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